Frequently asked questions
- Do I have to pay to use Stendhapp?
- How do I use Stendhapp?
- Stendhapp isn’t working right
- Why are the photos in black and white?
- Where does the name Stendhapp come from?
- Where do you get your data?
- I have not found a place I know that should be there: how can I add it?
- Why is it necessary to be geolocalized?
- If I am not interested in categories, can I delete them?
- Why are there no restaurants and hotels on Stendhapp?
- Why do I need to register?
- What does ‘profiling’ mean?
- How do you use my data?
No, and you never will.
Download it now from the Apple Store or Google Play. Subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on social media to keep up to date with the latest news.
If the app doesn’t show your position please check the User Guide, in all other cases please write us reporting the problem.
It is our choice to encourage visits and to experience it first hand: if you want to see what a place looks like in colour, go and visit it!
From the combination of Stendhal’s name and “app”. Of his visit to the marvellous basilica of Santa Croce in Florence, Stendhal wrote: ‘I had reached that level of emotion where heavenly sensations given by the arts and passionate feelings meet’.
Italy is full of places where you can experience that same emotion, even very close, but you often don’t notice them: we have created Stendhapp to point them out to you and let you discover (or rediscover) that beauty. As often as you like!
Our main source is open data, but that is not all: we have been investing time and energy in describing Italy’s artistic and cultural heritage as comprehensively as possible for as long as we exist. And you too can contribute by sharing what you know. All the information you find on Stendhapp, shows the source from which it comes.
From the app, you can add any place you like by clicking the + and filling in the form that opens, then send it to us, and we’ll publish it.
To allow the app to determine where you are and point out what is beautiful around you and suggest cultural routes in a proximity logic. We want to avoid unnecessarily long journeys, especially those by less sustainable means.
You can go to the map, click on the three dots at the top right and select only what you want to see.
We have chosen to highlight only quality food and wine producers (e.g. PDO, DOC etc.). For hotels and restaurants there are already many platforms, we are sure you will not be starved 🙂
By creating your personal profile, you will become part of a community of people who are passionate about our cultural heritage. You will be able to add places you know that are not currently listed on Stendhapp and vote for places you have visited. Furthermore, as we get to know you, we will be able to recommend places, events and routes that might be of interest to you based on your preferences.
Stendhapp has developed an algorithm capable of suggesting personalized itineraries based on how you have used Stendhapp in the past, any feedback you wish to give us and the history of other users who have expressed cultural preferences similar to yours. In order to be able to receive accurate suggestions, you must provide specific consent to use this algorithm (known as ‘profiling’) on your data, the purpose of which is strictly limited to cultural enjoyment and does not involve classifications with respect to religious, political or sexual orientation issues, which are outside the context in which Stendhapp operates, i.e. the enhancement of cultural heritage.
We understand that providing your information online involves a high level of trust on the part of users. We use your data to provide you with a better service and to recommend valuable places to visit. In general your data will not be passed on to others without your consent, for details please read our privacy policy.